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Integration with Frontend

Framework Components

Accella is primarily a server-side framework, but by using Astro’s features, you can seamlessly integrate with frontend frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte. For detailed instructions and usage, refer to the Astro Docs on Front-end frameworks.

Here is a simple example:

import MyReactComponent from '../components/MyReactComponent.jsx';
import InteractiveButton from '../components/InteractiveButton.jsx';
<!-- You can directly include React components within Astro components -->
<MyReactComponent />
<!-- Use the client:* directive for components that need to run on the frontend -->
<InteractiveButton client:load />

API Integration

If you want to set up an API on the server-side to interact with framework components, you can use Astro’s Actions. Actions provide type-safe handling of calls and results, making them a recommended alternative to creating custom API endpoints (such as JSON-based REST APIs). For detailed usage, refer to the Astro Docs on Actions.

Here is a simple example:

Defining an Action

import { defineAction } from 'astro:actions';
import { z } from 'astro:schema';
export const server = {
getGreeting: defineAction({
input: z.object({
name: z.string(),
handler: async (input) => {
return `Hello, ${}!`

Using in an Astro Page

<button>Get greeting</button>
import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button?.addEventListener('click', async () => {
// Show alert pop-up with greeting from action
const { data, error } = await actions.getGreeting({ name: "Accella" });
if (!error) alert(data);