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Creating Models

This page explains how to add models and use the corresponding classes. In Accella, Prisma is used for table definitions and migrations, and Accel Record is used as the ORM.

Steps to Add a Model

  1. Edit the Schema

    The db/schema/main.prisma file is the schema file for models. Here, we will add a model. Below is an example of adding a User model.

    model User {
    id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
    firstName String
    lastName String
    age Int?
  2. Run the Migration

    Terminal window
    npx prisma migrate dev

    Running this command will:

    • Generate SQL migration files in the db/migrations/ directory.
    • Create a new database and apply the SQL migrations.
    • Generate files corresponding to each model in the src/models/ directory.

That’s it! You’ve successfully added a model.
You can import and use the classes corresponding to each model from src/models/index.ts.

Sample Table Operations

In the example above, a User class corresponding to the User model is generated. Below is a sample TypeScript code for performing CRUD operations using the User class.

import { User } from "src/models";
// Create a new user
const user: User = User.create({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
// Update the user
age: 26,
// Get all users
for (const user of User.all()) {
// Find a user
const john: User | undefined = User.findBy({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
// Delete the user

Extending the Class Corresponding to a Model

In the example above, a class corresponding to the User model is generated in the src/models/user.ts file. You can freely add methods to this class.

import { ApplicationRecord } from "./applicationRecord.js";
export class UserModel extends ApplicationRecord {
// Define a method to get the full name
get fullName(): string {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

You can call the methods defined in the class as shown below.

import { User } from "src/models/index.js";
const user = User.create({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
console.log(user.fullName); // => "John Doe"
  • For changing the database used, refer to the Database Configuration page.
    • It includes instructions for setting up databases other than SQLite, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • For schema definitions, refer to the Prisma schema.
    • It includes detailed instructions on defining models and relations.
  • For more details on the ORM, refer to the Accel Record README.
    • It includes detailed information on the rich query interface and types.