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Code Overview

This document provides a brief overview of the code used to create a web application with a database using Accella.

Table Definition

We use Prisma’s schema for defining database tables and migrations. Based on the defined table information, migration files can be generated.

model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
firstName String
lastName String
age Int?

O/R Mapping

Accella uses Accel Record, an ORM library designed with the Active Record pattern. It features a synchronous interface, so you don’t need to use await, and implicit lazy loading of associations.

import { User } from "src/models";
// Create a new user
const user: User = User.create({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
// Update the user
age: 26,
// Get all users
for (const user of User.all()) {
// Find a user
const john: User | undefined = User.findBy({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
// Delete the user

Extending Model Classes

By extending the class corresponding to a model, you can define validations, callbacks, custom methods, and more.

import { before } from "accel-record";
import { validates } from "accel-record/validations";
import { ApplicationRecord } from "./applicationRecord.js";
export class UserModel extends ApplicationRecord {
// Define validations for the model
static validations = validates(this, [
["firstName", { presence: true }],
["lastName", { presence: true }],
myCallback() {
// this method is called before save
// Define a method to get the full name
get fullName(): string {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

Preparing Pages

With file-based routing, no routing configuration is generally needed. Astro components allow you to write JavaScript logic and DOM structure in a single file, similar to React components or Vue SFCs, enabling type-safe template rendering.

import { paginate } from "accel-web";
import { User } from "src/models";
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
const page = Number(Astro.locals.params.p) || 1;
const pager = paginate(User.order('id', 'desc'), {
per: 10,
window: 2,
const { Nav, PageEntriesInfo } = pager;
<h2>User List</h2>
{ => (
<!-- Pagination -->
<div><Nav /></div>
<div><PageEntriesInfo /></div>


Vitest is set up to allow you to start testing immediately after starting the project. Additionally, factories for Accel Record are provided, making it easy to create test data.

import { User } from "src/models";
import { $User } from "./factories/user";
test("create a user", () => {
const user = $User.create({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
expect(user.fullName).toBe("John Doe");