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Session Management

Accella provides a session management object via Astro.locals.session. This feature is based on astro-cookie-session, and session data is encrypted and stored in cookies.

import { User } from '../models';
if (Astro.request.method === 'POST') {
Astro.locals.session.user = User.findBy({ email: '' });
const currentUser: User | undefined = Astro.locals.session.user;
{currentUser ? <p>Hello, {}!</p> : <p>Hello, Guest!</p>}

You can store not only JSON-serializable types like numbers, strings, and objects in session data, but also instances of Accel Record model classes.

Type Definition of Session Data

By default, values retrieved from the session are of type any, but you can use type definitions in src/config/session.ts to ensure type safety.

import { type Session as BaseSession } from "accella/session";
import { User } from "../models";
// Define the type of the session object here
export type SessionData = {
user: User; // Add here
export type Session = BaseSession & Partial<SessionData>;

Flash Messages

The session.flash object is used to store messages that can be retrieved only once from the session data. Use the session.flash.set() method to set a message. The message can be retrieved using the session.flash.get() method, but it will be deleted from the cookie after retrieval and will not be available in the next request.

const { session } = Astro.locals;
if (Astro.request.method === "POST") {
const form = await Astro.request.formData();
session.set("userId", form.get("id") as string); // Set the session data
// session.userId = form.get("id") as string; // You can also use this code
session.flash.set("notice", "You have successfully logged in."); // Set the flash message
// session.flash["notice"] = "You have successfully logged in."; // You can also use this code
const userId = session.get("userId"); // Get the session data
// const userId = session.userId; // You can also use this code
const notice = session.flash.get("notice"); // Get the flash message. The message will be deleted after getting it.
// const flash = session.flash["notice"]; // You can also use this code
{notice && <p>{notice}</p>}
userId ? (
<p>Hello, {userId}!</p>
<form method="post" action="/signout">
<input type="submit" value="Log out" />
) : (
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="id" placeholder="UserId" />
<input type="submit" value="Log in" />

Specifying Options

You can specify options for astro-cookie-session’s createCookieSessionStorage by using the sessionOptions object in src/config/session.ts.

import { type Session as BaseSession, type Options } from "accella/session";
/* ... */
export const sessionOptions: Options = {
cookieName: "astro.session",
cookieSetOptions: {
httpOnly: true,
secure: import.meta.env.PROD,
path: undefined,
expires: undefined,
maxAge: undefined,